Monday, September 25, 2017

Mercedes Repair and Consignment Sales Redwood City - Experience Mercedes' ice driving school by playing "Project CARS 2" - Bosch European Redwood City - (650) 368-3000

Mercedes-Benz has teamed up with Slightly Mad Studios and Bandai Namco Entertainment Group, the programmers and publishers behind "Project CARS 2," to bring you a unique interactive gaming experience. It's also a learning experience for drivers because it lets gamers pilot Mercedes cars virtually on the brand's winter driving school course...near the Arctic Circle.

"Project CARS 2" has managed to replicate the Mercedes-Benz Driving Events winter training ground in Sorsele, Sweden. It's a frozen lake bed, and it boasts ice tracks carved out by F1 track guru Hermann Tilke. It all adds up to over 9 miles of extreme conditions that allow instructors and students to put cars to a tough test in the real world.

Most folks can't afford to attend such a school. Through the game, however, that experience is quite a bit more approachable and affordable. Thirteen Mercedes cars are included in the game, and they each have been programmed with data gleaned from extensive real-world testing by both Mercedes-Benz and the "Project CARS 2" team.

It's a unique way to bring a thrilling driving experience to a larger audience while also providing a driving dynamics lesson in the process. It should also look pretty wonderful on your television, considering how lovely the game itself looks

"Project CARS 2" comes out September 22 for XBox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

by Jeff Glucker

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